Casera Monaci was awarded at the conference “Risparmia(ti) lo spreco: oltre l’Expo”(“Save yourself the wastefulness: besides Expo”) that took place last 23rd November in Milan, within the project “RISPARMIA(TI) LO SPRECO” ”(“Save yourself the wastefulness”), to which took part with its BRANZI MONACI. It was one of the awarded companies because it’s been able to interpret at best the relation between tradition and innovation and offering an example of good practice, that is efficient, sustainable, innovative, replicable by others in the milk-dairy industry.
With this venture, consumer associations like Adiconsum, Cittadinanzattiva and Movimento Consumatori (thanks to the subsidy of the Lombardy Region government), were committed, before and during the period of Expo, to draw attention to the subject of frugal, clever use of resources and especially on the reduction of food wastefulness.
The project allowed, on one side, to carry out the research “The last goal is not rubbish” examining the behavior of the consumers of Lombardy within their home walls and trying to understand which actions are being put in place to reduce wastefulness of food; on the other side, to reward, through the call for bids “A food, a company, a story”, some micro- and small companies that distinguished themselves for implementing innovative actions in the reduction of wastefulness in the production chain.
For further information visit the web-site: www.risparmiatilospreco.it

Company Outlet
At our company outlet in Almenno San Salvatore, besides the exquisite cheeses of our own production and 50 types of local and DOP cheese, you’ll find a careful selection of high-quality cold cuts and a wide choice of Bergamo typical products and regional specialties.
Casera Monaci
Via Clanezzo, 2/b
24031 Almenno San Salvatore (BG).
Phone: 035.643020
E- mail: info@caseramonaci.com