Feather in the cap in the range of the Monaci’s products, it’s considered the maximum of quality by industry experts.

Sweet Branzi Monaci
Produced exclusively with whole cow’s-milk, it has a smooth, soft, thin crust with a yellowish color that, combined with a soft paste of straw color with light holes, gives this cheese a sweet, delicate, unique taste, tending to spicy with aging.
Recognized as one of the best table cheeses in the Bergamo area, the DOLCE BRANZI MONACI, given its great versatility in the kitchen, is used by the best local chefs to prepare the famous “Polenta Taragna”, as well as dishes like pizzoccheri or fonduta, that need a spun curd cheese at the same time tasty.
Our Branzi Monaci is among the products awarded by the iTCi (International Taste & Quality Institute) with a unique quality recognition: the Superior Taste Award, an acknowledgment attributed to food products after a strict evaluation by a board made up of 120 renown chefs and skilled sommeliers of the most prestigious European and international associations.